Nelly Rajaonson - A tenacious woman, symbol of female emancipation in the Malagasy audiovisual sector

Nelly Rajaonson - A tenacious woman, symbol of female emancipation in the Malagasy audiovisual sector

Pure product of the country, in the sense that she has done all her higher education at the University of Antananarivo, Nelly Rajaonson, is currently the station manager of the group TV Plus Madagascar, which has three platforms: TV Plus, Radio Plus and UP TV. In parallel, she also supervises the commercial and broadcasting departments, as well as being the publishing director. She works as a team with a management staff and more than a hundred staff members, more or less young, throughout the country.


With a double master's degree in Management and Journalism, she started her career at the APMF of Toamasina, which had a fleet of barges sailing on the Pangalanes Canal, transporting coffee, litchis and other goods coming from the Southeast and destined for export at the port of Toamasina. Her role was to manage the negotiations with the charterers and to ensure that the goods arrived on time at the river port and were transhipped in the best conditions to the sea port for export. At the same time, she was a freelancer for the periodical New Magazine.

But the sirens of the audiovisual world called her towards other skies very quickly. She joined the team of TVF under the direction of Tsilavina Ralainimby (may he rest in peace) where she climbed one by one the steps to reach in 2005 to hold the reins, after her mentor gave up the place for other responsibilities.

Six years later, she took a different direction and joined a company specializing in the export of gold bars.

But decidedly, the world of broadcasting held out its arms to her with the opportunity to integrate, this time, the team of the TV Plus Madagascar group, under the leadership of Onitiana Realy and the self-made-man - CEO of the group, Nicolas Rabemananjara. There too, she learned the arcana of the profession and since the end of 2017, she occupies her current position of Station Manager. She is keen on the feminization of her title because, she says, there is no profession exclusively dedicated to men to the point that one cannot feminize the title. She particularly enjoys working with female staff, although she acknowledges that the broadcasting industry is still dominated by male staff. But with the multiplication of training centers in multimedia and communication, women will be more and more numerous to practice the profession, in the near future.

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